
Activity 5: Schedule of quantity for the work "Replacement of LT Panel"

Name of work: Replacement of LT electrical panel. Schedule of quantity Sl. No. Description of item Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) 1 Decommissioning & dismantling of the existing 415V, 1200 amps, main LT panel  and sub panel totally and shifting it to a suitable location in Electrical sub-station as per the directions of engineer-in-charge. The work also includes minor civil works, disconnection of all the incoming cables and outgoing cables from the existing LT panel, cleaning the trenches together with cost of labour, transport, tools &plants, stacking of serviceable materials complete. Lump sum 1 job 50000.00 50000.00 2 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of indoor type Main LT Panel, floor mounting type, dust and vermin proof by construction of 14 SWG CRCA sheets compartmentalized, modular type IP42 protection with powder coated panel          (follow

Effects of electrical energy

Electrical energy has following effects: 1. Biological effect: Electrical energy has effect on biological cells. Electrical current through human body or living beings produces biological reactions. Example: electrical shock. 2. Electro-mechanical effect: Two current carrying conductors have mechanical attraction or repulsion due to the magnetic field produced by them. It may be noted that, electrical energy can be converted to mechanical energy by using motors and mechanical energy can be converted to electrical energy by using generators. 3. Electro-thermal effect: Electrical current passing through a conductor produces heat due to losses. This effect will be normally used in Electric Ovens and Furnaces. 4. Electro chemical effect: Electric current passing through electrolyte produces electrolysis. Example: electroplating.

Rules for writing SI Units

1. Symbols for units are written without capital letters, except when it is derived from name. Example: "t" for time "h" for hour "m" for meter 2. Symbols for units derived from proper name are written in capital. Example: "A" for ampere "W" for watt 3.Full names of units are written with lower case letters only. Example: newton henry 4. A space is left between symbols of compound units. Example: N m 5. A space is left between the number and symbol. Example: 56 J 5 A 6. Only one SI prefix is permitted. Example: kA MJ 7. A symbol should not be followed by a fullstop except when it is a product. Example: kg.m 8. Numerals with more than three digits shall be written without commas and with a narrow spacing at an interval of three digits. Example: 45 006 72 674 9. A number with four figures is not broken as mentioned above. Example: 4321 10. A symbol of a unit is placed after the decimal

Multiples and Submultiples of units

Deci (d) : 10^-1 Centi (c): 10^-2 milli (m): 10^-3 micro (u): 10^-6 nano (n): 10^-9 pico (p): 10^-12 femto (f): 10^-15 atto (a): 10^-18 deca (da): 10 hecto (h) :10^2 kilo (k) : 10^3 mega (M): 10^6 giga (G) : 10^9 tera (T) : 10^12 peta (P): 10^15 exa (E) : 10^18

System International Units

1. In which year, the SI (System International d`units) was recommended by the general conference on weights and measures? a) 1966 b) 1959 c) 1960 d) 1961 Ans: c 2. What is the SI Unit of Length? a) second b) gram c) mole d) meter Ans: d 3. What is the SI Unit of Mass? a) mole b) kilogram c) second d) ampere Ans: b 4. What is the unit of Electric current? a) ampere b) Kelvin c) candela d) radian Ans: a 5. Candela is the unit for which quantity? a) Temparature b) Plane angle c) Solid angle d) Luminous Intensity Ans: d 6. Among the following, which one is the supplemantary unit? a) steradian b) mole c) second d) meter Ans: a 7. What is the unit of Solid angle? a) candela b) ammeter c) Kelvin d) steradian Ans: d 8. What is the unit for derived quantity, Area? a) cubic meter b) meter per second c) square meter d) mole per cubic meter Ans: c 9. What is the unit of derived quantity, Luminance (Light)? a) candela per square met

Activity 4: Example for rate analysis of an item

Rate Analysis Item: Wiring for 6A (3 Pin) & 16 A (6 pin)socket outlet point  in heavy guage PVC casing with 4 wires & 4 insulated earth wire complete with switches & socket outlets in one box. A Short point up to 3 meters Sl.No Description Unit  Qty Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks 1 Wiring with 3 ×4 single core copper cable in suface heavy guage PVC casing meter 3 188.3 564.93 DSR 2013 item No 1.12 +13.5% ×0.75% VAT (171+17.31=188.31) 2 200mm ×125mm×60mm metal box No 1 51.54 51.54 DSR 2013 item No 1311+13.5%×0.75% VAT(46.8+4.74=51.54) 3 3 mm thick phenolic laminated sheet 250 0.1 25 Adopted from DSR 2013 item No 1322 + 13.5%×75% VAT (0.09+0.009=0.10) 4 Supplying & fixing 3 pin 5/6A socket outlet on existing  switch box including connection

Activity 3: Item rates for "Installation of Exhaust fans in Residential quarters"

Here, item specifications and their rates are given for " installation of exhaust fans in residential quarters". Assumptions made: 1. Exhaust fans of  Bajaj make, 50 HZ, 225/250 MM sweep, 240 V AC  are supplied separately. 2. No provision is available to install exhaust fan in kitchen. 3. Total number of fans to be installed are of 29 Nos. with the above assumptions, the specifications and item rates for the above work are as given below: Sl. No. Description of item Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) 1 Installation & Commissioning  of light duty exhaust fan , Bajaj make, 50 HZ, 225/250 MM sweep, 240 V AC operated complete with suitable wooden supporting frame , fan blades, nuts and bolts, fan regulator, capacitor, 6A 3 pin plug top for terminals of exhaust fan and all other accessories and bird proof net with 24mm×21mm mesh size &14SWG wire in a wooden structure outside exhaust fan opening includin